Wednesday, 23 March 2011

The Proper Gap Spacing For Your Deck

Congratulations! You've made the decision to build a new deck or repair/replace an old one, and you've decided to use hidden deck fasteners for a flawless look. Now what? There are so many fasteners on the market, and each leaves different gap spaces. This article will help you make the correct choice of deck fasteners with the proper gap spacing for your type of deck.

Don't be fooled into thinking that all deck fasteners are created equal. That's just not the case. And please don't be fooled into thinking that one type of fastener is suitable for all types of decking materials. The type of fastener you choose should be dependent upon the type of decking you are building with. Is it composite, PVC, or hardwood? If it's hardwood decking, is it air-dried or kiln-dried? These questions are essential to the life and sustainability of your deck. Why does it matter? All decking materials will move (expand or contract) as it weathers. The change in temperature, humidity, and moisture can all affect the natural movement of deck boards. You want a fastener designed with these changes in mind.

If using air-dried decking, you want a hidden deck fastener that will leave a small gap space. The ideal space is 3/32". The moisture content in air-dried material is typically greater than 15%. As this material weathers, it loses a considerable amount of moisture and contracts in size. This opens that small space up just a bit and allows it to move and have adequate air flow.

If using kiln-dried decking, you want a hidden deck fastener that will leave a larger gap space. The ideal space is 1/4". Kiln-dried decking is the opposite of air-dried decking. Kiln-dried material typically has a moisture content below 15%. As this material weathers, it gains a considerable amount of moisture and expands in size. This larger gap space will eventually close up a bit as it naturally weathers.

If using composite decking, always check with the manufacturer's suggested gap spacing. Most are different and can require a space anywhere from 3/32" to 1/4" depending on the manufacturer and temperature at time of installation. This is absolutely crucial.

If using PVC decking, it is very similar to composite decking in that the manufacturer recommends a certain gap space. This gap space, like composite decking, can be anywhere from 3/32" to 1/4". PVC is more controlled by temperature so the recommended space in one area of the country may not be the same in another area of the country.

Another important step is to verify what type of decking you purchase. If purchasing hardwood, make certain that it is indeed air-dried or kiln-dried as you request. Unfortunately, I've seen many home owners that were unsure of the type of decking they purchased and just picked a generic deck fastener. You can imagine what happens when you use a deck fastener that is designed for 3/32" gap space and it is installed using kiln-dried deck boards. The kiln-dried deck boards will expand. With such a small gap space, there is nowhere for the deck boards to go so they warp, cup, and check. This leaves an unsightly and dangerous deck.

Although choosing the right deck fastener can seem daunting at first, it's actually quite simple once a few important questions have been asked. The most sound advice I can give is to ask questions, ask questions, ask questions. Ask what type of decking you are purchasing, ask what the manufacturer's suggested gap spacing is, and ask what gap spacing each hidden deck fastener leaves. If you are told that it doesn't matter, run as fast as you can to a more knowledgeable deck fastener source!

Tag :  patio deck,gap spacing,patio